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Doctoral Program in Psychology

Application notice 2022/2023

Additional information about courses, places and opening notices:

The PhD in Psychology aims to promote basic and applied research in seven specialized areas linked with research and development units and institutions in accordance with internationally established quality standards. Its main objectives are:

    • Promote scientific research and innovation;
    • Provide students with specialized training in seven different areas of Psychology;
    • Increase their research skills and their integration into national and international research networks;
    • Promote scientific employment;
    • Reinforce links with work contexts within the scope of lifelong learning;
    • Contribute to the development of a knowledge-based society.

    Information about possible FPCEUC Supervisors/Co-supervisors

    Template for pre-project submission:

    Official form necessary to formalize the application.

    Training Duration and Modalities

    The PhD in Psychology lasts 3 years, corresponding to 180 ECTS, divided as follows:

    1st year Research Methods and Data Analysis - 10 ECTS
    Research Practice in Psychology - 10 ECTS
    Transversal Scientific Skills - 10 ECTS
    Development of the Thesis Project - 30 ECTS
    2nd year Development of the thesis in the specialty - 60 ECTS
    3rd year Development of the thesis in the specialty - 60 ECTS

    Requirements for Admission

    1 – You may apply to the PhD in Psychology if you:

    a) Hold a Master's degree, or legal equivalent;

    b) Hold a Bachelor's degree, along with a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum recognized as attesting to the applicant’s capacity to carry out this cycle of studies, approved by the Scientific Council of FPCE-UC;

    c) Hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized as attesting to the applicant’s capacity to carry out this cycle of studies, approved by the Scientific Council of FPCE-UC.

    2 - The recognition referred to in paragraphs b) and c) of the previous item only allows access to the cycle of studies leading to the doctoral degree, and does not confer upon the candidate the equivalence to the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from UC, or official recognition of the same.

    Application for 2022/2023

    The application for this training modality is made at the UC platform, within the established deadlines, and must be instructed with the documents defined in the public notice of the candidacies.


    After acceptance into the PhD, the candidate proceeds to registration, as stipulated in the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra (only in Portuguese) and the necessary instructions provided by the Academic Management Services.

    The PhD student must renew his/her registration annually according to the instructions and schedule of the Academic Management Services.

    If you are a scholarship holder, you should pay special attention to the information found here (

    Tuition Fees

     € 2750,00 / year (divided into 10 installments).

    Study Cycle Coordinator

    Marco Daniel de Almeida Pereira

    PhD Course Committee:

    Maria Cristina Canavarro; Teresa Rebelo; Ana Rita Sousa e Silva

    Accreditation by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education – A3ES

    The PhD in Psychology is accredited for 6 years (process No. ACEF / 1112/10222).

    Other information

    Objectives and curricular structure of the PhD in Psychology.

    Information and Academic Services – SGA.

    Information  regarding submission of the thesis. Check out the forms necessary for this submission (only in Portuguese).

    Interruption of studies - consult the Academic Regulations of the University of Coimbra (only in Portuguese).

    Regulation of the Doctoral Program in Psychology (in Portuguese)