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Postdoctoral Studies


The University of Coimbra, by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCE), welcomes researchers, both national and foreign, that wish to follow postdoctoral programs.

Besides other possible activities, each program consists of research work, duly supervised by a Professor of a specific speciality.

If necessary, a co-tutorial scheme can be chosen.

The application for a postdoctoral program is made individually by the candidate, who must handled (or sent) it to the Faculty, in order to be submitted to the assessment and decision of its Scientific Board .

The application must be supported by a scientific based letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor.

The proposed research work must be established in connection with the teaching and research activities of the FPCE, including present or future projects undertaken in the scope of its Research Centers / Units.

The application must be supported by the following documents:

• Postdoctoral Application Form (Find template here)

• Updated Curriculum Vitae (Find template here)

• Postdoctoral Project (Find template here)

• Photocopy of BI / CC / PASSPORT

• Letter of Acceptance from the applicant's supervisor(s)

All the documents must be handed or sent by post to

Serviços Académicos – 3º Ciclo

Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da

Universidade de Coimbra

R. do Colégio Novo

3000 – 115 Coimbra - Portugal

For more information please contact:

Regulamento de Programas de Pós-Doutoramento