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Areas of Study and possible Supervisors/Co-supervisors

Areas of Study

Cognitive Neuroscience


Clinical and Health Psychology

Educational and Developmental Psychology

Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Social and Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Neuroscience

    Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging

Almeida, Jorge; CINEICC

Bergström, Fredrik; CINEICC

Bukhari, Qasim; CINEICC

Peres, André; CINEICC

Object recognition and visual processing (conscious or non-conscious)

Almeida, Jorge; CINEICC

Bergström, Fredrik; CINEICC

Peres, André; CINEICC

Tal, Zohar; CINEICC

Walbrn, Jon; CINEICC

Visual perception, object recognition, and how information is organized in the cortex

Almeida, Jorge; CINEICC

Bergström, Fredrik; CINEICC

Peres, André; CINEICC

Tal, Zohar; CINEICC

Walbrn, Jon; CINEICC

Object related action processing and Brain Computer interface

Almeida, Jorge; CINEICC

Pilacinski, Artur; CINEICC

Peres, André; CINEICC

Walbrn, Jon; CINEICC

Conscious experience & non-conscious cognition (could relate to visual perception, decision-making, memory or attention) Bergström, Fredrik, CINEICC
Value-based (e.g., economic, social, or moral) decision-making Bergström, Fredrik, CINEICC
 Statistical modeling in neuroscience de Sousa, Bruno, CINEICC


    Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Normative and validation studies of Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)

Albuquerque, Cristina Petrucci; CINEICC

Vilar, Manuela; CINEICC

Pereira, Marcelino; CINEICC

Santos, Maria João Seabra; CINEICC

Simões, Mário Rodrigues; CINEICC

Effects of semantic richness on working memory capacity Leitão, José Augusto S. G.; CINEICC
Chronotype and time-of-day effects on cognition

Leitão, José Augusto S. G.; CINEICC

Gomes, Ana Allen; CINEICC

Chronotype and time-of-day impact on the validity of psychological assessments

Leitão, José Augusto S. G.; CINEICC

Gomes, Ana Allen; CINEICC

Neuropsychological assessment and aging processes Vilar, Manuela; CINEICC
Episodic / autobiographical memory, transitory memory, metamemory, and forgetting (individuals from working-age population, with and without a memory deficit, and older individuals with and without non-normative cognitive decline) Pinho, Maria Salomé; CINEICC
Training / rehabilitation programs focused on memory Pinho, Maria Salomé; CINEICC
Development, adaptation and validation of psychological/neuropsychological assessment instruments for the Portuguese population, in different domains (e.g., intelligence, neurocognitive functions, personality, response styles, performance and symptom validity) and contexts (clinical, forensic, educational, community). Simões, Mário Rodrigues; CINEICC

Clinical and Health Psychology

Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Study of risk and protective factors and processes (e.g., compassion, mindfulness, acceptance, values, emotion regulation, transdiagnostic mechanisms) for psychological adjustment and psychopathology, in clinical, forensic, academic and community settings.

Ferreira, Cláudia, CINEICC

Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC

Moreira, Helena, CINEICC

Pereira, Marco, CINEICC

Canavarro, Maria Cristina, CINEICC

Development and assessment of psychological interventions for the prevention/treatment of mental illness and promotion of mental health, namely second and third wave cognitive-behavioral interventions in different clinical and non-clinical populations (individual, group and e-health formats)

Gomes, Ana Allen; CINEICC

Fonseca, Ana Dias da, CINEICC

Matos, Ana Paula, CINEICC

Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC

Moreira, Helena, CINEICC

Canavarro, Maria Cristina, CINEICC

Salvador, Maria do Céu, CINEICC

Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC

Matos, Marcela, CINEICC

Pereira, Marco, CINEICC

Castilho, Paula, CINEICC

Lima, Margarida Pedroso, CINEICC

Validation of psychological assessment instruments for preschool age Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC
Prosociality, well-being and stress biophysiological correlates of compassion and mindfulness based interventions Matos, Marcela, CINEICC
Acceptance and self-compassion processes in psychopathology and well-being Salvador, Maria do Céu, CINEICC
Personality Lima, Margarida Pedroso, CINEICC
Active aging and wellbeing Lima, Margarida Pedroso, CINEICC
Evaluation of the applicability and effectiveness of interventions based on dialectical-behavioral therapy in specific populations (e.g., bipolarity, transsexuality) Castilho, Paula, CINEICC
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health

Matos, Ana Paula, CINEICC

Matos, Marcela, CINEICC

Body image and eating-related difficulties in adolescents and adults. Ferreira, Cláudia, CINEICC
Chronic disease and quality of life: Development and validation of Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention programs Ferreira, Cláudia, CINEICC
Chronic pain: Exploration of psycho-emotional mechanisms and development of intervention programs based on cognitive-contextual therapies. Castilho, Paula, CINEICC
Effectiveness of second and third-wave cognitive-behavioral interventions in forensic settings (e.g., young and adult offenders, caregivers of youth at risk) Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC
Sleep Psychology, according to the American Psychological Association Gomes, Ana Allen; CINEICC
Morningness-eveningness (diurnal type or chronotype) Gomes, Ana Allen; CINEICC
Adaptation to pregnancy and parenting in different phases of the life cycle

Fonseca, Ana Dias da, CINEICC

Moreira, Helena, CINEICC

Canavarro, Maria Cristina, CINEICC

New parenthood Carvalho, Madalena de, CES
Parent education: Incredible Years program Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC
Parent education: Parenting wisely Program Alarcão. Madalena, CES
The psychological functions and the impact of internet (mis)use on well-being/psychopathology: assessment of second and third wave cognitive-behavioral interventions for the prevention and treatment of internet addiction Matos, Ana Paula, CINEICC
Family, pathological game/ Gaming and ICT (Information and communication technology)

Relvas, Ana Paula ,CES

Sotero, Luciana  CES

Psychology of interpersonal relationships (sexuality and romantic relationships; couple relationship) Pereira, Marco, CINEICC
Familial and conjugal well-being; Families and couples

Relvas, Ana Paula ,CES

Sotero, Luciana  CES

Carvalho, Madalena de, CES

Divorce Therapy Carvalho, Madalena de, CES
Education for/in divorce Alarcão. Madalena, CES
Intimate partner violence Paixão, Rui, CES
Study of the therapeutic process in familial therapy/ Involuntary clients and therapeutic alliance

Relvas, Ana Paula ,CES

Sotero, Luciana  CES

Dynamic psychopathology Paixão, Rui, CES
Dynamic psychotherapies Paixão, Rui, CES

Educational and Developmental Psychology

    Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Intellectual difficulties and developmental disorders Albuquerque, Cristina Petrucci, CINEICC
Assessment and intervention in learning difficulties Albuquerque, Cristina Petrucci, CINEICC
Game-based Learning Almeida, Ana Cristina Ferreira de, FPCEUC
Learning and problem solving / PBL: Project based Learning Almeida, Ana Cristina Ferreira de, FPCEUC
Empowering people/ Promoting skills / Learning communities Almeida, Ana Cristina Ferreira de, FPCEUC
Metalinguistic awareness and figurative/metaphorical language: assessment and intervention tools for different age groups Couceiro Figueira, Ana Paula Mendes Correia, FPCEUC
Socio-emotional development: assessment and intervention tools Couceiro Figueira, Ana Paula Mendes Correia, FPCEUC
Assessment and intervention at the language level with a computerized tool (SICOLE) Couceiro Figueira, Ana Paula Mendes Correia, FPCEUC
Psychosocial transitions and well-being throughout life Ferreira, Joaquim Armando, CINEICC
Studies about higher education students Ferreira, Joaquim Armando, CINEICC
(In)adaptive trajectories of children and youth in residential care Lima, Luiza Nobre, CINEICC
Socio-emotional development and mental health in childhood and adolescence Lima, Luiza Nobre, CINEICC
Understanding the role of time perspective (TP) constructs and future time perspective (FTP) constructs in career transition processes and psychological adjustment of adolescents and adults

Paixão, Maria Paula, CINEICC

Silva, José Tomás da, CES

Construction and empirical validation of a systemic model of prevention and psychological intervention in compulsory education Paixão, Maria Paula, CINEICC
Study of risk and protection factors (e.g., individual, relational, contextual) in psychosocial transitions throughout life

Paixão, Maria Paula, CINEICC

Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC

Pereira, Marco, CINEICC

Analysis of the impact of cognitive-motivational factors (self-efficacy, interests, values) on behavior and vocational development

Paixão, Maria Paula, CINEICC

Silva, José Tomás da, CES

Giftedness, talented and high achievement Pereira, Marcelino Pereira, CINEICC
Longitudinal studies of neurodevelopmental Disorders Pereira, Marcelino Pereira, CINEICC
Cognition, Learning, and Education Santos, Eduardo; FPCE
Contextualist-developmental Counseling Santos, Eduardo; FPCE
Development, adaptation and validation of psychological assessment instruments with a particular focus on children in the first 6 years of life (e.g. development, intelligence, behavior) and on their parents/caregivers (e.g. variables related to parenting) Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC
Empirical validation of intervention programs for pre-school age Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC
Parental education

Gaspar, Maria Filomena, CES

Santos, Maria João Seabra, CINEICC

Career decision-making difficulties: measures and interventions Silva, José Tomás da, CES
Mathematical/Statistical anxiety: antecedents, correlates and consequences Silva, José Tomás da, CES
Human development and anti-social behavior Vale-Dias, Maria da Luz B. R., FPCEUC
Development, well-being and mental health promotion Vale-Dias, Maria da Luz B. R., FPCEUC
Well-being education or positive mental health literacy Vale-Dias, Maria da Luz B. R., FPCEUC

Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

   Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Organization 4.0 and automation of work processes Canavarro, José Manuel, CEIS20
Corporate universities, training and human resource management Canavarro, José Manuel, CEIS20
Psychological processes of adaptation to retirement Canavarro, José Manuel, CEIS20
Work on/of the future: Factors associated with trust in human-robot interaction in industrial context Carvalho, Carla, CINEICC
Emotions, Feelings and Affections in Work Contexts (EMOTRAB) Carvalho, Carla, CINEICC
Work teams

Paulo Renato Lourenço, CeBER

Teresa Rebelo, CeBER

Organizational and team learning

Paulo Renato Lourenço, CeBER

Teresa Rebelo, CeBER

Knowledge Management Pais, Leonor, CINEICC
Decent work Pais, Leonor, CINEICC
Cooperative processes [Organizational and global (for example: economy for the common good, United Nations global treaty)]  Teresa Rebelo, CeBER

Forensic Psychology

    Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Family violence (in intimate relationships, between siblings) Alarcão. Madalena, CES
Assessment (and promotion of) parenting skills Alarcão. Madalena, CES
Response styles: performance and symptom validity tests

Alberto, Isabel, CINEICC

Simões, Mário Rodrigues; CINEICC

"Sins" of memory (suggestibility, misattribution of memory, and bias); false memories/ memory errors; and procedures to increase the accuracy of memory performance concerning reports and person recognition
Pinho, Maria Salomé; CINEICC
Compassion-focused therapy with young and adult offenders Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral interventions in clinical and forensic settings Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral interventions with caregivers of youth at risk Rijo, Daniel, CINEICC

Social and Cognitive Psychology

    Research Themes Supervisors/Co-supervisors
Social cognition Mónico, Lisete, CINEICC
Self and interpersonal relations Mónico, Lisete, CINEICC
Social representations Valentim, Joaquim Pires, CINEICC
Social psychology of cultural diversity Valentim, Joaquim Pires, CINEICC
Political psychology Valentim, Joaquim Pires, CINEICC