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Scientific Council


The Scientific Council should:

  1. Deliberate over the teaching staff’s working hours’ distribution, which requires the approval of the Dean;
  2. Approve, by means of substantiated proposals, the Research Groups of the Faculty and follow up their regular activity;
  3. Propose members for academic examination boards and open vacancy competition boards;
  4. Elect the coordinators of cycle and stage of studies, and approve the changes made to its regulation;
  5. Approve the applications, the themes and the working plans of PhD theses without a course component and appoint their doctoral theses advisers;
  6. Appoint the advisers of Master’s Degree dissertations or equivalent;
  7. Undertake other actions laid down in the law concerning teaching and research career, and the recruitment of teaching and research staff;
  8. Appraise the plan and the report of scientific activities of the Faculty;
  9. Give its opinion on the creation of cycles of studies and approve the curriculum of the cycles of studies offered by the Faculty;
  10. Deliberate over equivalences concerning curricular units and academic degrees in accordance with the law;
  11. Elect the editors of the publications of the Faculty and ratify the Editorial Boards;
  12. Propose, by means of a two-thirds favourable vote of its active members, the concession of the honorary doctorate degree honoris causa and other awards or honorary distinctions;
  13. Propose or give its opinion on the establishment of academic awards;
  14. Give its opinion on the proposal for the dismissal of the Dean laid down on subparagraph i), in paragraph 1 of article 13 of the current Statutes, before it is sent to the Rector;
  15. Elaborate its regulation;
  16. Perform other duties entrusted to it by the law, the Statutes of the University of Coimbra or the current Statutes.


Members Chairperson:

António Gomes Ferreira (Dean of the Faculty) (Full Professor)

Elected Members:

Ana Paula Fonseca Relvas (Full Professor)
Joaquim Armando Gomes Alves Ferreira (Full Professor)
António Castro Fonseca (Full Professor)
Mário Manuel Rodrigues Simões (Full Professor)
Maria Cristina Cruz Sousa Portocarrero Canavarro (Full Professor)
Maria Isabel Ferraz Festas (Full Professor)
Eduardo João Ribeiro dos Santos (Associate Professor)
Maria Paula Barbas de Albuquerque Paixão (Associate Professor)
Marcelino Arménio Martins Pereira (Associate Professor)
Joaquim Manuel Pires Valentim (Associate Professor)
Isabel Maria Marques Alberto (Assistant Professor)
Ana Maria Magalhães Teixeira de Seixas (Assistant Professor)
Paulo Renato Martins R. S. Lourenço (Assistant Professor)
Cristina Maria Pinto Albuquerque (Assistant Professor)
Armanda Pinto Mota Matos (Assistant Professor)
Joaquim Luís Medeiros Alcoforado (Assistant Professor)
Cláudia Rute Carlos Ferrreira (Assistant Professor)
Bruno Cecílio de Sousa (Assistant Professor)