The Scientific Council should: - Deliberate over the teaching staff’s working hours’ distribution, which requires the approval of the Dean;
- Approve, by means of substantiated proposals, the Research Groups of the Faculty and follow up their regular activity;
- Propose members for academic examination boards and open vacancy competition boards;
- Elect the coordinators of cycle and stage of studies, and approve the changes made to its regulation;
- Approve
the applications, the themes and the working plans of PhD theses
without a course component and appoint their doctoral theses advisers;
- Appoint the advisers of Master’s Degree dissertations or equivalent;
- Undertake
other actions laid down in the law concerning teaching and research
career, and the recruitment of teaching and research staff;
- Appraise the plan and the report of scientific activities of the Faculty;
- Give
its opinion on the creation of cycles of studies and approve the
curriculum of the cycles of studies offered by the Faculty;
- Deliberate over equivalences concerning curricular units and academic degrees in accordance with the law;
- Elect the editors of the publications of the Faculty and ratify the Editorial Boards;
- Propose,
by means of a two-thirds favourable vote of its active members, the
concession of the honorary doctorate degree honoris causa and other
awards or honorary distinctions;
- Propose or give its opinion on the establishment of academic awards;
- Give
its opinion on the proposal for the dismissal of the Dean laid down on
subparagraph i), in paragraph 1 of article 13 of the current Statutes,
before it is sent to the Rector;
- Elaborate its regulation;
- Perform other duties entrusted to it by the law, the Statutes of the University of Coimbra or the current Statutes.