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Faculty Assembly


The Faculty Assembly should:

  1. Elect the Dean of the Faculty;
  2. Elect its own Chairperson, who is responsible for convening the Assembly, on his/her own initiative or by request of the Dean, and chairing the meetings;
  3. Elect a Secretary;
  4. Approve, by an absolute majority of its active members, the changes made to the Faculty Statutes that the Dean sends to the Rector for ratification.
  5. Approve the electoral regulation following a proposal of the Dean;
  6. Analyse the budget plan as well as the account report of the Faculty.
  7. Verify the proper accomplishment of the action of the Dean that is referred to in no. 1 of article 15:
  8. Give its opinion on the measures to be taken in case the post of Dean becomes available due to vacancy, waiver, inability or impediment of the Dean.
  9. Request the rector to submit to the General Council the proposal for the dismissal of the Dean that was approved by a dully substantiated voting of two thirds of its active members;
  10. Elaborate its regulation;
  11. Accomplish other competences laid down in the law, in the Statutes of the University of Coimbra or in its Statutes



Ana Paula Pais Rodrigues da Fonseca Relvas (President - Full Professor)

Maria Paula Barbas de Albuquerque Paixão (Vice President - Associate Professor)

Mário Manuel Rodrigues Simões (Full Professor)

Joaquim Luís Medeiros Alcoforado (Assistant Professor)

Helena da Silva Neves dos Santos Almeida (Assistant Professor)

Bruno Cecílio de Sousa (Assistant Professor)

Maria Cristina Cruz de Sousa Portocarrero Canavarro (Full Professor)

Carlos Manuel Folgado Barreira (Assistant Professor)

José Manuel Tomás da Silva (Associate Professor)

Maria Filomena Ribeiro Fonseca Gaspar (Associate Professor)

Rui Alexandre Paquete Paixão (Associate Professor)

Maria Isabel Ferraz Festas (Full Professor)


Sara Magalhães Pinto Albuquerque

Cristina Maria Pinto Oliveira

João André Ferreira Mena

Non-Teaching Saff:

Maria Isabel Bicudo Azeredo Keating  (Secretary)

Co-opted members:

Guilherme Freire Falcão de Oliveira

Maria Adelaide Pontes Franco