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Student Support Office

Student Support Office

About us

The GAE has a team of education and psychology professional who provide the following:

  • Psychological Support
  • Psycho-pedagogical support
  • Career Counselling
  • Socio-Educational Guidance and Involvement
  • Sexuality Counselling Service


It is the role of this Office (Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante – GAE):

  1. to help FPCE students to meet the various challenges posed by higher education so that they can cope successfully with starting at the Faculty and playing their part in it throughout their stay, as well as with the transition into working life

  2. To provide psycho-pedagogical support and monitoring in order to foster academic success, by optimising learning, communication and problem-solving strategies

  3. To provide socio-educational guidance and support, particularly with students’ social integration and well-being, the development of their personal and social skills, the promotion of health and prevention of high-risk behaviour.

  4. To provide psychological support with personal problems.

  5. To provide career counselling and guidance in each study cycle.

  6. To support cultural and leisure activities according to students’ interests

    Projects and activities offered by the Student Support Office to the FPCE-UC Student in the 2014-2015 academic year

    Projects and activities offered by the Student Support Office to the FPCE-UC Student in the 2014-2015 academic year

    • ADOC -Project for Career Counselling and Guidance and personal and social education Liaison: Dr. Lurdes Mateus; Assistants: Graduate students Cândido Pinto e Liliana Azevedo;
    • C&A - Academic Coaching - Recognition, analysis and implementation of changes in the management of academic life in order to foster academic successLiaison: Prof. Dr. Rosário Pinheiro PhD, Assistants: Dr. Isabel Keating and Mestre Filipa Simões;
    • EXPRESSSÕES100RISCOS - FPCEUC Peer Education Group – project to promote the wellbeing and health education of university studentsLiaisons: Prof. Rosário Pinheiro PhD and Prof. Albertina Oliveira PhD;
    • XPTO - Sexuality Counselling Service - Partnership with the Family Planning Association - Liaison: Prof. Rosário Pinheiro PhD, Mestre Cristiana Carvalho and Mestre Daniela Martins;
    • UOUTRO - socio-educational intervention project in the areas of intercultural education and mediation Liaison: Prof. Rosário Pinheiro PhD;
    • HÁ NOITES ASSIM! - Project to inform and raise awareness about high-risk behaviours and protection in night-time recreational settings - Partnership with RIAC / Coimbra Social Network Liaison: Prof. Rosário Pinheiro PhD, Assistant: Mestre Filipa Simões).


    Doutora Maria do Rosário Pinheiro

    Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Tuesday  | 11.00h–13.00h

    Thursday  | 12.30h–14.30h


    Maria de Lurdes Mateus, Psychologist

    Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Tuesday  | 14.00h–18.00h

    Isabel Keating, Psychologist

    Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Thursday  | 14.00h–18.00h


    Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Monday and Wednesday  | 14.00h-20.00h

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |10.00h-14.00h

    Location and Contacts

    Location and Contacts

    Room 1.8 - Campus I UC

    239 247410 | Extension 289035