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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



1. What is NONIO?


NONIO (New University Academic System) is a software platform that aims to include all information related to the academic management of the University.

2. How do I access NONIO?


NONIO is accessed via the internet -, and is restricted to students officially registered with a username and a password.

3. I want to access NONIO. What do I have to write in the "user" field?


In the "user" field you will have to enter your student number.

(Note: the password is created by the user)

4. I forgot my password. What do I do?


If you have an officially confirmed email, you can recover your password via the existing link on the "Forgot Password?" page;

If you do not have an officially confirmed e-mail, then the password must be reset by the Academic Services Office.


1. Where can I get information about my rights and obligations as a student?


Read the documents and regulations that are intended to ensure the transparency and uniformity of the relationship between student and University, in particular the Special Rights Regulation of the Students of Coimbra University - Regulation No 597/2011 - April 2, 2012.

Recourse to the Student Ombudsman.

For further information see:
2. What are the sanctions for plagiarism, copying or fraud?


Fraud, copy or plagiarism committed in any form of assessment of a course unit may lead to the suspension of the student's academic assessment for the period of one year, as well as to temporary suspension of his/her educational activities.

For more information see: UC Students Disciplinary Regulations


1. I want to apply for a 2nd cycle course. Where do I get information?


You can find information about available courses, application deadlines and conditions of access in . This information is updated each year, in particular stages of the application.

2. Do I need to go to the University of Coimbra to enrol for and register

in course units?


No. This process is completed through inforestud@nte.

For more information see:
3. Do I need to make any payment to register?


Yes. You need to pay a 20 € registration fee.

(Registration fee payment: References for payment by ATM are created after registration and become available under "Tuition and Fees" at Inforestud@nte. The time limit for this payment is the same as for the 1st instalment).

4. I am enrolled in a full-time study cycle. What is the maximum number of ECTS that I can be registered in?


When you enrol for the first time the maximum is 60 ECTS;

When enrolling in higher education for the second or subsequent time, the student can enrol on units of his/her current or previous academic years, up to a maximum of 60 + 24 ECTS, or 84 ECTS.

5. Can I register part-time?


Yes. Upon registration, you can opt for a part-time regime signing up to only part of the annual / semestral credits, on payment of only one part of the tuition fees.

For more information see:
6. I am enrolled part-time. What is the maximum amount of ECTS that I can be registered in?


You can be registered in no more than 30 ECTS per year or 15 per semester.

7. Under what conditions can I benefit from working student status?


If you are working for an employer;

If you are registered at the Job Centre;

If you are self-employed.

8. How do I apply for the working student status?


To apply for this status you must submit the following documents to the UC Academic Management Service:

- evidence that you are registered at the Social Security (or similar scheme), if you are an employee;

- evidence that you are involuntarily unemployed, if you are registered at a Job Centre;

- a commencement of activity declaration, if you are self-employed.

9. Until when can I apply for the working student status?


The request for working student status must be made upon registration and by the deadline of October 15, or up to a maximum period of 15 working days after enrolment for thea cademic year, whichever is the later.

10. Can I only benefit from working student status in the 2nd semester?


Yes. You will be required to submit documentation by February 28.

11. How can I apply after the normal application deadline?


If the registration period is over, you should apply in person to the Academic Management Services to proceed with your application. Registration is subject to payment of a fine as follows:

- In the first 15 days following the closing date - 15 €

- More than 15 days and up to 30 days late - 50 €

This fine can ONLY be paid at the Financial Services.

After you pay the fine, the services will give you a new deadline to make your application via Inforestud@nte.

12. I did not apply within the 30 days of the normal registration period. Can I still sign up?


Yes, but you must make a special request, and acceptance depends on the decision of Faculty bodies.

If your application is accepted, registration is subject to a fine of € 75.

More information can be found at:
13. What is the period for changing optional course units?


Students who want to change optional course units should make the request to the Academic Department of Coimbra University within 15 days after the beginning of start of classes in each semester.

After this period any change is subject to payment of the appropriate fee.

14. I cannot sign up because some of my marks have not yet been released. What do I do?


You should not enrol in a new academic year without completing the previous one, and you therefore have to wait for the release of your marks on Inforestudante. After that you will be automatically notified via email of the new application deadline.

For more information about registration:

Note: Once registered, the student can always get a Multi-purpose Certificate from Inforestudante, attesting his/her entry in the academic year in question.


1. What are “subsidiary”course units?


“Subsidiary” subjects are course units of subsequent study cycles.

2. Can I sign up for subsidiary subjects?


Yes, if you are a finalist in a study cycle and want to enrol in course units of subsequent study cycles.

3. How many subsidiary course units can I be registered in?


The total number of ECTS of course units in the study cycles, current and subsequent, in which the student can register cannot exceed the limit applicable to the study cycle in which he/she is registered, and it has to comply with other applicable limitations, such as order of study requirements and application deadlines.

For more information see: Article 16 of the UC Academic Regulation published on 19 August 2013, at the following link in the UC Academic Regulation:
4. Do I have to pay an additional fee for this application?


No. it is not subject to payment of an additional fee.


1. What does this mean?


Prevention, due to lack of academic success, from making a new application.

2. When can I be in this situation?


Students who do not meet the following criteria of academic performance established in Article 3 of the Regulation No 248/2012 of 6 July 2012, cannot enrol in study cycles at the University of Coimbra:

Maximum number of registrations

Obtained ECTS

3 0 to 59
4 60 to 119
5 120 to 179
6 180 to 239

Table 1

For example:

To make the 4th enrolment in a certain course (1st cycle and MI) the student must, in previous years, have passed course units totalling at least 60 ECTS.

3. How do I know I'm at risk of being restricted?


The student has updated information on Inforestudante about his/her academic record and on whether or not he/she is at risk. The information includes the ECTS which have been completed and those that should still be done to avoid restriction.

4. Once restricted, how long am I prevented from attending my course again, or any other course of study at the University of Coimbra?


For a period of two consecutive semesters.

5. For restriction purposes, how is the number of ECTS calculated in the case of an Integrated Master’s?


The number of ECTS for restriction purposes is calculated from the ECTS required to complete a first degree.

6. Does article 3 of Regulation No 248/2012 of 06 July 2012 (Table 1) apply to all students?



There are special situations and students in special regimes - see paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of Article 3 - Regulation 248/2012 – Enrolment Restrictions Regulation at the University of Coimbra.

7. After completion of the restriction period can I sign up for courses at the UC again? How?


Yes. In one of the following ways: Re-entry;. Course Change; Transfer.

(See Article 6 - Return to study - Regulation 248/2012 – Enrolment Restrictions Regulation at the University of Coimbra)

8. Once restricted am I prevented from attending subsidiary course units?

Answer: of

No. Even when restricted, you can subscribe to subsidiary course units taught by any UC School or Faculty.

See Article 8 - Regulation 248/2012 - Enrolment Restrictions Regulation at the University of Coimbra


1. Where can I get information about scholarships?



2. As a scholarship holder, what is the deadline for paying the tuition fees?


Students holding scholarships from the SAS at the UC must pay their fees within 30 days, starting from the day following that on which each instalment, duly receipted, is placed at their disposal. In this case, no interest is payable.

3. I'm not a scholarship holder. Can I ask for any other financial support to attend my course?


Yes. You can apply to the Social Aid Fund (FAS), which is a specific support unit of the UC created by the Senate, to help students who do not have a scholarship, and who have clear and proven economic difficulties, to pay their tuition fees, as well as to tackle proven emergency situations, defined as situations of serious risk of survival of a student who does not or has ceased to possess the means to meet his/her basic needs for housing, health and food.

4. As a student at the University of Coimbra do I have some kind of medical support?


The Social Services of the University of Coimbra provide medical services in various specialties.

For further information see:


1. When should I pay the fees?


By October 31 of the academic year to which they relate, if you want to pay all at once.

For payment in instalments, on or before the following dates:

1st instalment - October 31

2nd instalment - January 31

3rd instalmenet - March 31

4th instalment - May 31

Note: On Inforestudante, each student has information regarding deadlines, amounts and ATM references.

2. I did not pay the fees in time. What happens next?


In this case the payment of fees is subject to interest under the applicable law, and students will be informed electronically.

At the end of the academic year, students in arrears are notified of the amount due, as well as of the interest payable.

3. What happens if I do not pay the tuition fees?


Any tuition payment default makes it impossible for the student to enrol in his/her course and in any other UC courses. No declaration, certificate or information can be issued either (except on payment of outstanding fees).

4. Is it possible to pay arrears in instalments, since the annulment of my enrolment has been rejected and the deadlines for payment have been exceeded?


During the academic year fees can be paid in four instalments. After the end of the academic year this is no longer possible.

For more information see: Regulation No 633/2011 of 14 December; Enrolment Restriction Regulation at the University of Coimbra - Regulation No 248/2012 of 06 July 2012;


1. Can I benefit from exchange programmes with Foreign Universities?


Yes. If you are interested in these go to:

2. Can I benefit from an exchange within Portugal?


Yes, through the Almeida Garrett Programme.

This programme offers the possibility of a period of study, with full academic recognition, at a Portuguese public university.

More information:

3. I want to join a Mobility Programme. When do I have to do my Pre-registration?


In the academic year before the exchange, usually in the months of December and January.


1. How many types of evaluation are there?


For evaluation purposes, there are the following forms of assessment:

Type A: written tests (test, attendance or examination);

Type B: review of existing literature and empirical studies or field work;

Type C: practical work or laboratory-type work, to be carried out during practical or theoretical and practical classes;

Type D: oral tests or defence of work done;

Type E: work done as part of the student’s participation in research carried out by teachers. This type of evaluation must be accompanied by an alternative form of assessment, to be decided by the student.

2. What is the validity period of types of assessment A, B, and C?


Types of evidence A, B and C are valid for one academic year.

3. If I fail only one of the assessment tests within the evaluation framework of a course unit, will I have to repeat them all?


No, you only have to repeat or rewrite the test in which you did not achieve the minimum mark (40% of the maximum mark possible for the test). The remaining passing marks will be kept for a period of one year.

4. How many evaluation schemes are there?


Periodic Assessment and Final Evaluation.

Periodic evaluation: involves passing at least two types of test, of which one must be individual in nature;

Final assessment: passing a written exam, covering the whole of the subject taught. In this case the evaluation involves only a single test of type A.

5. Do I have to choose one form of assessment?


Yes, you have until the 3rd week of the start of classes each semester to choose, and must sign the declaration that you can find here.

You must submit the completed and signed declaration to the teacher in charge of the course unit.

6. What happens if I do not submit the declaration?


You will be automatically enrolled in the Final Evaluation scheme.

7. How many evaluation periods are there?


There are the normal period and a re-sit period.Where justified, a special period and an exceptional period can also be considered.

8. How many unit courses can I be assessed in in the re-sit period?


There is no limit to the number of unit courses in which students can be assessed.

9. Who can take advantage of the special evaluation period?


Students who fall into any of the special cases set out in Article 4 of the Special Rights Regulation of the Students of Coimbra University - Regulation No 597/2011 - April 2, 2012, namely:

a) working students;

b) firefighter students;

c) military students;

d) students who are high performance athletes;

e) young leader of an UC association and/or student member of UC bodies;

f) students with special educational needs;

g) UC athlete students;

h) students involved in cultural activities of UC;

i) students participating in recognised university merit activities.

Other special rights arising from the following situations are also considered:

a) students involved in student mobility programmes;

b) students who join or have been placed through special schemes;

c) final year students;

d) students who are parents;

e)during or following illness;

f) death of spouse or relative ;

g) attendance before a police, judicial or military authority;

h) students who profess a religious faith whose day of rest or worship is not Sunday.

For each of these cases the same regulation sets the conditions to be followed in each circumstance.

10. When is the exceptional evaluation period?


The exceptional period runs after the 1st semester, in March and after the end of the academic year, in October.

11. Who can take advantage of the exceptional evaluation period?


According to the Special Rights Regulation of the Students of Coimbra University (RDEEUC), students in the following situations can take advantage of this period:

Article 42 - final year students

Article 21 - young leaders of an UC association

Article 16 – students serving in the military under contract and/or as volunteers

Article 13 –firefighters in professional, mixed or voluntary brigades

For further information see:
12. Can I sit an examination in any of the periods, if not registered?


No. In order to sit na examination, whether at the normal or at the re-sit evaluation period, you are required to sign up for the examination.

13. How can I sign up and when?


You must register online via NONIO within 3 working days before the test date, and keep the registration receipt.

14. What shall I do if I have an examination and I am called up for National Defence Day?


National Defence Day aims to raise young people’s awareness to the issue of national defence and to promote the role of the military. Attendance is a military duty for all 18 year-old Portuguese citizens.

The summoned student may request postponement of attendance for various reasons, which include taking an examination in an officially recognised educational institution on the same day as or during the two days immediately following National Defence Day.

In order to be granted the postponement:

· Submit a request up to 5 days after the date for which you were called:

· Attach a declaration issued by the faculty or department where the examination was taken to certify and justify the delay.

· Send the declaration by post to

 Direcção Geral de Pessoal e Recrutamento Militar
 Avenida Ilha da Madeira, nº1, 4º
 1400 – 204 Lisboa

Or you can deliver it to the recruitment centre for your area.

For more information go to the website of the National Defence Ministry

For more information on this topic see:


1. Can I improve the marks obtained in the course units?


Yes. You can improve your final mark in any course unit, if you require a new assessment test in the re-sit period of the respective semester of the same academic year, or in the same semester of the academic year following the one in which the course unit concerned was assessed, if it still remains in operation.

2. Can I try for an improved mark in any course unit?


Yes, however, each course unit is subject to only one attempt at improvement.

3. Where and when can I apply for mark improvement in a course unit?


You must request a mark improvement attempt at the UC Academic Management Service up to 2 working days before the date of the relevant test.

4. Are there any limits to the number of course units for which I can sign up for mark improvement?


The value of course units you register in for mark improvement cannot exceed a total of 24 ECTs each year.

5. Can I fail if I get a lower mark in the improvement test?


No. The final classification in the unit will be the highest mark you obtain in the relevant evaluations.

Only in special cases can the student fail, for example:

where approval in the course unit was obtained by periodic assessment, and the teacher does not confirm the mark and the mark obtained in the improvement test is less than 10.

6. When requesting mark improvement, do I need to pay any fees?


If the improvement sought is within the same academic year, there is no fee to pay; if requested for the following academic year it is subject to payment according to the University of Coimbra Table of Fees.

For more information on this topic see:


1. After completion of the study cycle, can I improve my marks?


Yes, you can apply to improve your marks in up to 36 ECTS of the syllabus, among the course units that have not yet been subject to an improvement attempt. In this case, the mark can only be increased in the year following completion of the course.

2. What is the Diploma Supplement?


The Diploma Supplement is a bilingual document (Portuguese and English), which complements the diploma, but does not replace it. It allows comparability, facilitates mobility and makes the training obtained more visible to persons and bodies outside the university.

For more information see:
3. What document must I request to prove that I finished the course?


You can apply for the diploma or a certificate, both with equal probative value, differing only in appearance and price.

For more information see:
4- Must I go to the services to get my diploma?


No. You can get it through Inforestud@nte via the "Balcão Académico >> Certidões" option.

The student (or former student if he/she is still registered on InforEstud@nte) can get one of the following certificates that are already available.

For more information see: