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3rd Summer School in Economic and Social History

Até 15 de março de 2024
15 janeiro, 2024
Fotografia mais antiga da Fábrica de Moagem e Descasque de Arroz.
Fotografia mais antiga da Fábrica de Moagem e Descasque de Arroz.
© Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Ponte de Sor, 1920

A terceira edição da Summer School in Economic and Social History, com organização do CEIS20, irá realizar-se de 24 a 26 de junho em Ponte de Sor e tem aberta a sua call for papers até ao dia 15 de março.

Saiba mais informações sobre as condições de submissão consultando o website da APHES.

The Third Summer School in Economic and Social History, hosted by the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History, will be held in Ponte de Sor, Portugal. This Summer School offers comprehensive courses on research methods and central themes in Economic and Social History, as well as a framework for paper presentations by Ph.D. students who are starting their dissertation and already have a chapter or essay for discussion, and post-doctoral researchers with more advanced work, possibly in the pipeline for publication. We aim to bring together researchers with different levels of experience. The Summer School offers lectures by distinguished scholars in the morning sessions and presentations by researchers in the afternoon. All topics in Economic and Social History of any geographical and chronological scope are welcome.