Valete Vos Viatores: travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire
Livro do projeto homónimo publicado pela IUC
7 novembro, 2022
Encontra-se disponível, em acesso aberto, o livro Valete Vos Viatores: travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire, publicado pela Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, o qual constitui um dos resultados do projeto europeu como o mesmo nome que a Universidade de Coimbra integra.
Da equipa editorial faz parte o investigador do CEIS20 Armando Redentor. Dois dos 10 capítulos da obra – “Apontamentos sobre a paisagem epigráfica da capital dos Igaeditani” e “A valorização patrimonial das inscrições romanas de Idanha-a-Velha” – são escritos em coautoria com o investigador do CEIS20 Pedro C. Carvalho entre outros investigadores nacionais.
Inscriptions were one of the trademarks of Romanization. Used as a real mass media, they covered almost all facets of Roman public and private life. Following common patterns, however, this habit of engraving inscriptions, the so-called “epigraphic habit”, took shape in different manifestations in each region, in each province, configuring diverse and attractive epigraphic cultures. This volume, the result of a Creative Europe project coordinated by the University of Navarra and with the participation of the University of Coimbra, the one at Bordeaux and La Sapienza in Roma and, also, of the Museo Nazionale Romano and different research centers in Portugal, France, Spain and Italy, reviews not only the functions of some of these inscriptions with new approaches to well-known repertoires but also the new tools that -from the rise of the Internet to the use of digital photogrammetry, from digital epigraphy to 3d epigraphy- are being implemented for their study, their understanding and, above all, the social dissemination of their values, builders, in large part, of European identity.