Congresso Pensar o Século XX confirma oradores convidados
[English version below]
Estão confirmados os quatro oradores convidados para o Congresso organizado pelo CEIS20 Pensar o Século XX – Olhares do século vinte e um. Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Lilia Schwarcz, Odd Arne Westad e Vanessa Schwartz estarão neste encontro que terá lugar no Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, nos dias 1, 2 e 3 de fevereiro de 2023. A data final para envio de propostas é 18 de novembro.
Consulte as suas biografias em seguida.
Consulte o Website do Congresso para mais informações.
Odd Arne Westad, Elihu Professor of History and Global Affairs, Yale University
Odd Arne Westad é um especialista em história internacional e global moderna, com enfoque na história do leste asiático desde o século XVIII. Publicou 16 livros, a maior parte dos quais sobre história asiática e global do século XX. Desde meados dos anos 2000, Westad debruça-se sobre aspetos de história pós-colonial e global, bem como a história da China moderna. As três principais obras deste período são A Guerra Fria Global, Império Inquieto e A Guerra Fria: Uma História Mundial. Atualmente, Westad interessa-se sobretudo pelas histórias do império e do imperialismo, principalmente na Ásia, mas também no resto do mundo. Procura perceber igualmente a emergência das reformas económicas da China no final do século XX e como os seus resultados mudaram a economia global.
Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, Professora de Antropologia, Universidade de São Paulo
Lilia Moritz Schwarcz é Professora em Antropologia da Universidade de São Paulo e Global Scholar e Visiting Professor na Universidade de Princeton (EUA). As suas publicações incluem, em português: Retrato em branco e negro (1987), A longa viagem da biblioteca dos reis (2002), O sol do Brasil (2008), Dicionário da Escravidão e da Liberdade (2018), com Flavio Gomes, Sobre o autoritarismo no Brasil (2019); e em inglês: Spectacle of Races: Scientists, Institutions and Racial Theories in Brazil at the End of the XIXth Century (Farrar Strauss and Giroux, 1999), The Emperor's Beard: D. Pedro II a tropical king (Farrar Strauss and Giroux, 2004), Brazil: a biography (com Heloisa Starling) (Farrar Strauss and Giroux and Penguin UK, 2015), Lima Barreto sad visionary, The Brazil Reader: History, culture, politics (com James Green e Victoria Langland) (2018, Duque University Press), About authoritarianism (Princeton University Press, 2021), Death Dancer: the Spanish Flu in Brazil (2020), Black Encyclopedia (2021), The Kidnapping of independence (2022).
Franco "Bifo" Berardi, escritor e ativista
Franco Berardi, também conhecido como Bifo, é escritor e ativista dos media. Estudou em Bolonha na década de 1960 e foi membro da organização Poder Obrero. Na década de 1970, fundou a revista A/traverso e participou no movimento Autonomista. Na década de 1990, organizou o primeiro Congresso Europeu sobre mutação digital (Cibernauti, Bolonha, 1994). Em 1995, publicou o livro Neuromagma. Colaborou com várias revistas como Metropoli (Roma), Semiotexte (Nova Yorque) e Chimeres (Paris). Nos últimos anos, publicou Respirare, The Threshold, The Third Unconscious. O seu próximo livro é dedicado ao tema da deserção como única possibilidade ética e como estratégia de luta e libertação.
Vanessa Schwartz, Professor of History, Art History and Critical Studies, University of Southern California
Vanessa Schwartz é especialista em cultura visual europeia e americana dos séculos XIX e XX, especialmente em fotografia, cinema e design. O seu livro mais recente, Jet Age Aesthetic: The Glamour of Media in Motion, foi publicado em 2020 (Yale University Press), com o apoio da College Art Association e da Furthermore Foundation. Coeditou, com Jason Hill, Getting the Picture: The Visual Culture of the News (2015). Foi também co-curadora de "Enfin le cinéma!", que abriu no Musée d'Orsay de Paris, em setembro de 2021, e de "City of Cinema: Paris 1850-1907", que abriu no LACMA em fevereiro de 2022. Tem publicado sobre Paris no final do século XIX e as origens da cultura visual de massa em livros como Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in fin-de-siècle Paris (1998), Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life (1995) e It’s So French! Hollywood, Paris and the Making of Cosmopolitan Film Culture (2007). É também autora de Modern France: A Very Short Introduction (2011).
The four guest speakers for the Congress organised by CEIS20 Thinking the Twentieth-Century. Perspectives from the twenty-first century e um are confirmed. Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Lilia Schwarcz, Odd Arne Westad and Vanessa Schwartz will be at this meeting that will take place at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, on February 1, 2 and 3, 2023. The final date for submitting proposals is 18 November.
See their biographies below.
Visit the Symposium Website for more information.
Odd Arne Westad, Elihu Professor of History and Global Affairs, Yale University
Odd Arne Westad is a scholar of modern international and global history, with a specialization in the history of eastern Asia since the 18th century. Westad has published 16 books, most of which deal with twentieth century Asian and global history. Since the mid-2000s, Westad has been concerned with aspects of post-colonial and global history, as well as the modern history of China. The three key works from this period are The Global Cold War, Restless Empire, and The Cold War: A World History. Today Westad is mainly interested in researching histories of empire and imperialism, first and foremost in Asia, but also world-wide. He is also trying to figure out how China’s late twentieth century economic reforms came into being and how their outcomes changed the global economy.
Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, Professor of Anthropology, University of São Paulo
Lilia Moritz Schwarcz is Full Professor in Anthropology at the University of São Paulo and Global Scholar and Visiting Professor at Princeton. Her publications include, in Portuguese: Retrato em branco e negro (1987), A longa viagem da biblioteca dos reis (2002), O sol do Brasil (2008), Dicionário da escravidão e da Liberdade (2018), with Flavio Gomes, Sobre o autoritarismo no Brasil (2019); and in English: Spectacle of Races: Scientists, Institutions and Racial Theories in Brazil at the End of the XIXth Century (Farrar Strauss and Giroux, 1999), The Emperors beard: D. Pedro II a tropical king (Farrar Strauss and Giroux, 2004), Brazil: a biography (with Heloisa Starling) (Farrar Strauss and Giroux and Penguin UK, 2015), Lima Barreto sad visionary, The Brazil Reader: History, culture, politica (with James Green and Victoria Langland) (2018, Duque University Press), About authoritarianism (Princeton University Press, 2021), Death Dancer: the Spanish Flu in Brazil (2020), Black Encyclopedia (2021), The Kidnapping of independence (2022).
Franco "Bifo" Berardi, writer and activist
Franco Berardi, also known as Bifo, is a writer and media activist. He studied in Bologna in the 1960s, where he was a member of the organization “Poder Obrero”. In the 1970s, he founded the magazine A/traverso and participated in the Autonomist movement. In the 1990s, he organized the first European Congress on digital mutation (Cibernauti, Bologna, 1994). In 1995, he published the book Neuromagma. He has collaborated with several magazines, including Metropoli (Rome), Semiotexte (New York) and Chimeres (Paris). In recent years, he has published Respirare, The Threshold, The Third Unconscious. His next book is dedicated to the theme of desertion as the only ethical possibility and as a strategy of struggle and liberation.
Vanessa Schwartz, Professor of History, Art History and Critical Studies, University of Southern California
Vanessa Schwartz specializes in 19th and 20th c. European and American visual culture, especially photography, film and design. Her new book Jet Age Aesthetic: The Glamour of Media in Motion is now available (Yale University Press) and was supported by a Millard Meiss award from the College Art Association and a Furthermore Foundation grant. With Jason Hill, she co-edited Getting the Picture: The Visual Culture of the News (2015). She is also a co-curator for "Enfin le cinéma!", which opened at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, September 2021, and co-curator of the related show "City of Cinema: Paris 1850-1907" which opened at LACMA in February 2022. She has written extensively about Paris in the late 19th century and the origins of mass visual culture in her books Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in fin-de-siècle Paris (1998), Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life (1995) and It’s So French! Hollywood, Paris and the Making of Cosmopolitan Film Culture (2007). She is also the author of Modern France: A Very Short Introduction (2011).