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Online Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis

9 de fevereiro | 10h - 12h30 | Online
27 janeiro, 2023
© Pablo Hermoso


Os Online Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis, organizados pelo CEIS20, partem para a segunda sessão do ano subjugada ao tema "Transformações e Sustentabilidade na Paisagem Ibérica".

Contará com as participações de Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (CISPAC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) com a comunicação intitulada "Paisagens sustentáveis: um centro para a sua investigação"; e de Carlos Aguiar (Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança), que abordará o "Desastre e redenção das montanhas temperadas de Portugal: as interações homem-fogo-herbivoria-pastagem no restauro dos ecossistemas de montanha".

A inscrição é gratuita.

Alberto González Remuiñán, João Tereso e Sofia Lacerda – CEIS20
Grupo Paisagens em Mudança – Laboratório da Longa Duração


The Online Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis, organized by CEIS20, departs for the second session of the year under the theme "Transformations and Sustainability in the Iberian Landscape".

It will have the participation of Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (CISPAC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) with the communication entitled "Sustainable landscapes: a centre for its research"; and Carlos Aguiar (Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança), who will address "Disaster and redemption of the temperate mountains of Portugal: the interactions man-fire-herbivory-pasture in the restoration of mountain ecosystems".

Registration is free.

Alberto González Remuiñán, João Tereso & Sofia Lacerda – CEIS20
Research Group Changing Landscapes Long-term lab

Lourenzo Fernández Prieto – CISPAC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Paisagens sustentáveis: um centro para a sua investigação.

Lourenzo Fernández Prieto is a Professor of Contemporary History in the History Department of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He coordinates the research group: Historia Agraria e Política do Mundo Rural (HISTAGRA) and is Vice-President of the Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria (SEHA). Specialized in the history of rural societies and agrarian technological change, his lines of research include agrarian history, social history, technological change and memory, and more specifically the contemporary forms of organization of production in the organic agrarian economies of Atlantic Europe. The most recent of his competitive projects is “The two paths of change and agrarian development of the 20th century. Pluralism of knowledge in an organic framework and technocracy of the green revolution. Atlantic Agriculture, 1880-2000 (ECOPASADOFUTURO)”. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2021-2024).

Carlos Aguiar – Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança

Desastre e redenção das montanhas temperadas de Portugal: as interações homem-fogo-herbivoria-pastagem no restauro dos ecossistemas de montanha

Carlos Aguiar has a Degree and PhD in agronomic engineering from Instituto Superior de Agronomia. He is currently a coordinating professor at the Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança. For over 35 years he has been dedicated to the study of the flora and vegetation of mainland and island Portugal. His research interests also extend to pasture agronomy, fire-herbivory-pasture interactions, extensive animal production and the history of agronomy. He was a cooperative agronomist in several agricultural development projects in Guinea-Bissau. Recently, within the framework of Lisbon-European Green Capital 2020, and as part of the Botany in Portuguese collection, he published three textbooks covering major topics in botany, from evolution to biology, structure and systematics of vascular plants. Within the scope of the same collection, he was co-editor of the volume Vegetação de Portugal.