Vera Aldeias - Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar
No âmbito dos Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar, a Investigadora Vera Aldeias (ICArEHB, Univ. Algarve) vai desenvolver a conferência The Use of Fire and the Evolution of Pyrotechnology in Human Evolution na Sala de Seminários do CEIS20.
Vera Aldeias | Biography
"I am a Geoarchaeologist interested in unravelling past human behavior from its sedimentary signatures. Identifying where our species first evolved and how specific traits of our current behaviour emerged has become among my major research foci. Currently, I am a principal researcher and group leader at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB), at the University of Algarve in Portugal. Prior to my arrival in Faro, I completed my PhD research in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA), and was a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany)."