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Catherine J. Frieman - Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar

27 de maio | 14h | CEIS20
15 maio
© Australian National University

Proferida em inglês, a conferência dos âmbito dos Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar, Catherine J. Frieman vai desenvolver a conferência Kin and Connection: bodies and relations in archaeology and ancient genetics na Sala de Seminários do CEIS20.

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Catherine J. Frieman | Biography

Catherine J. Frieman is an associate professor of European archaeology at the Australian National University. She is a material culture and technology studies specialist, and has conducted research in western Europe, the UK, Southeast Asia and Australia. Her research interests include the nature of archaeological enquiry, patterns of innovation and resistance, the role of aDNA for modelling past societies, social theory, and prehistoric stone tools. Her most recent monograph is Archaeology as History: Telling stories from a fragmented past (Cambridge University Press, 2023). Her other monographs cover topics as diverse as skeuomorphism in the archaeological record, Bronze Age maritime trade, the deep history of innovation, and the politics of migration.