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Theatre About Science: Performing and Communicating

15th June 2024 | Deadline for sending the abstracts
9 maio
© Theatre About Science: Performing and Communicating

Following the second edition of the Theatre About Science conference it's going to be publish a book with some contributions arising from the conference but also open to other contributions within this interdisciplinary field.

The volume’s thematic guidelines are coincident with those of the conference, aiming at giving an account of contemporary performing arts and science intersections through a compilation of selected works. The provisional title for the volume is Theatre About Science: Performing and Communicating.

More information about this Call.

The plan to have it published by October 2025, following a two-step revision process:

  1. Review of abstracts [deadline for sending the abstracts - 15th June 2024]
  2. Review of the manuscripts [deadline for sending the 1st draft, if selected - 2nd November 2024]

The book will be published in open access in the University of Coimbra Press, in the same collection we published the previous volume.

Submit an abstract for a proposal using this form.

We’d like you to consider submitting your work if you find it might be a good opportunity to publish.

And feel free to share this call with anyone that may be interested!