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Open Science Day - CIDAF

29 maio
Open Science Day - CIDAF
Open Science Day - CIDAF

Decorreu no passado dia 24 de maio, o Open Science Day - CIDAF, no Auditório Rui de Alarcão, da FCDEFUC.

O evento iniciou com Sessão de Comunicações Orais, em que foram apresentados quatro trabalhos, por estudantes de doutoramento, seguida pela Sessão de Comunicações Poster, em que foram apresentados 20 posters, por estudantes de doutoramento e mestrado, num ambiente dinâmico e de exposição informal.

A sessão de abertura, protagonizada pelo Senhor Diretor da FCDEFUC, Professor Doutor Vasco Vaz e pelo Senhor Subdiretor Professor Doutor Paulo Nobre, deu o mote para a Conferência “Dose-resposta no treino resistido em idoso”, do convidado palestrante, Professor Doutor Edilson Cyrino (

O evento, coorganizado pelo Gestor de Ciência, Doutor João Pedro Duarte e que contou com cerca de 70 participantes, terminou com a intervenção do Professor Doutor Manuel João Coelho e Silva, Coordenador do CIDAF.

Este evento foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do financiamento ao CIDAF. DOI: 10.54499/UIDP/04213/2020

Comunicações Orais

André Caseiro - Exploring optimal markers configuration for 3D ball tracking in Basketball performance analysis

Catarina Amorim - Teachers’ professional identity in Physical Education teacher education: a study of preservice teachers

Fernanda Silva - The effects of combined exercise training on metabolic diseases risk markers, lung function, quality of life and stress in sedentary middle-aged adults

Mário Pereira - Relation between abdominal wall muscle thickness and level of experience in Pilates practice

Comunicações Poster

Amilton Canguali - Alternativa psicodesportiva dirigida aos treinadores de futebol para concentrar a atenção dos jogadores, categoria Sub-12

André cahebo - Agreement between dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance to evaluate fat-free mass in older women before and after resistance training

Ângelo Santos - Acute effects on the mechanical properties of the quadriceps after strength training, and its restructuring with different degrees of recovery

Bernardo Cruz - The effect of a detraining period on phase angle in older women with different post-training scores

Catarina Amaro - Analyzing ground reaction forces and shooting efficiency in basketball: a preliminary analysis

Filipe Rodrigues - Reciprocal teaching and behavior regulation in physical education

Inês Cruz - Exploring the biomechanics of paddling: a preliminary study using inertial measurement unit data for 3D analysis

Kaan Akalp - The mediating effects of aerobic and cognitive training on cognition and markers of neurogenesis and neuroinflammation in older persons with or without mild cognitive impairment: study protocol

Laura Poletti - Does muscular strength reduction after detraining depend on previous training responsiveness?

Luís Ribeiro - Effects of resistance training on body recomposition and muscular strength in hypertensive and normotensive older women

Marco Viveiros - The attitude of student on leaving compulsory schooling towards the inclusion of students with special health needs in physical education class

Mohsen Parvani - The effects of lifelong exercise and acute progressive aerobic exercise on the mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum axis in PBMC – the impact on inflammaging progression

Mónica Silva - The reduction in gait speed induced by detraining in older women is dependent on post-training values

Parisa Ghasemi - The effect of a 16-week walking football intervention on inflammation markers, health outcomes and functional status in adults with multiple sclerosis: the protocol of a parallel randomized controlled trial

Pedro Santos - Inertial measuring unities usage in swimming athlete analyses for front crawl technique

Shiva Nousrani - Effect of circuit training on circulating mediators of inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, growth factors and related-mirnas in elderly at risk of sarcopenia

Siamak Takesh - Effect of a six-month tai chi exercise intervention on cognitive function and circulating biomarkers in elderly women with type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline: the protocol of a three-arm randomized controlled trial

Sofia Ataíde - Efeitos de um programa de exercício físico na aptidão cardiorrespiratória de jovens e adultos com perturbação do espetro do autismo

Thiago Souza - Capoeira knowledge and its development in different application environments: formal and non-formal

Vítor Santos - Development of customized insoles with integrated artificial intelligence