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History and Sociology of Science and Technology

I.R.: João Rui Pita and Ana Leonor Pereira


The study of scientific and technological practices in Portugal in the international context. The priority of the group will be to study the reception of international innovations in Portugal and the place Portuguese innovations occupy in the international context. This study will link scientific and technological practices to the political, socio-cultural, ethical-legal, national and international context. Priority will be given to life and health sciences and respective technologies, which means that physical and chemical sciences will be pertinent to this study. Interdisciplinary research is fostered, thus establishing scientific ties with other Research Groups of the CEIS20 and other national and international institutions.

Research lines

Sources and bibliography on the history of science in Portugal

I.R.: Ana Leonor Pereira; João Rui Pita

Science, technologies and health practices

I.R.: Ana Leonor Pereira; João Rui Pita


  • Medicine, hygiene and public health
  • Pharmacy, therapies and health technologies
  • Psychiatry and mental health

History of science and scientific and technological culture

I.R.: Ana Leonor Pereira; João Rui Pita


  • History of earth and life sciences
  • Egas Moniz, Nobel Laureate: local and global networks
  • History of scientific and technological culture

NOTE ‒ The sub-lines include research projects of various natures and funding: Those carried out by the Group, in collaboration with or participation in other institutions and conducive to doctoral and post-doctoral programmes.

Integrated MembersCollaborators

Ana Inês Vizeu Pinto da Cruz

Ana Leonor Dias da Conceição Pereira

Ana Mafalda Fontes Pinto dos Reis

Ismael Cerqueira Vieira

João Rui Couto da Rocha Pita

José Manuel Morgado Pereira

Pedro Ricardo Gouveia da Fonseca

Romero Manuel Bandeira Gandra

Rui Manuel Pinto Costa

Victoria Bell

Aires Gameiro

Aliete Cristina Gomes Dias Pedrosa da Cunha Oliveira

André Gonçalo Dias Pereira

Carla Maria Solano Máximo da Rocha

Carlos M. Fernández Fernández

Ian Malloch Davis

Juan António Rodriguez Sanchez

Luís Timóteo Barros Ferreira

Manuel da Encarnação Simões Correia

Maria Amélia de Souza Reis

Maria Armanda Pereira das Neves Rodrigues

Maria Guilherme Canivete Semedo 

Micaela Doris Assunção Figueira de Sousa

Paulo Alexandre de Bandarra e Lavoura

Ruben Filipe Gaio dos Santos

Sandrine Martins Pinto

Sara Margarida Vieira Repolho

Tiago António Príncipe Ferreira da Fonseca Ramos