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Applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships - Horizon-Europe

Until 23 June
29 may, 2023

Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at UC (CEIS20-UC) welcomes candidates for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – 2023, individual postdoctoral fellowship call, – one of the most prestigious and competitive research fellowship programs awarded in Europe.

Applications are open to outstanding researchers of any nationality. MSCA postdoctoral fellowships are meant to reinforce the creative and innovative potential of PhD researchers who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. So it implies moving to Portugal to work on your project. The application for this grant is submitted together by an individual researcher with an ambitious and innovative research proposal, and by a host organization from the academic and/or non-academic sectors. That is why we welcome expressions of interests with projects that fall within the scope of activities of the CEIS20-UC research groups.

More information about this scholarship here.

Application process with CEIS20-UC as a host institution

– Expressions of interest should be sent to (Olga Solovova, CEIS20 Science Manager) by June 12th, 2023.

Each expression of interest should include three documents (in English):

• A detailed CV (Note: as a postdoctoral scholarship, the programme accepts only applicants who completed a PhD up to 8 years ago);

• A brief motivation letter;

• The title and summary of the work plan linked to one of CEIS20 research groups.

Candidates should also suggest a potential supervisor at CEIS20.

CEIS20's scientific management team will monitor all processes and applications and clarify any doubts that may arise.