

Proactive International Network for Newborn and young children


The 2nd Learning Exchange Visit of the PINN project was facilitated by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational

The 2nd Learning Exchange Visit of the PINN project was facilitated by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences, at the University of Coimbra (FPCEUC).
The 12 participants from Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands and Portugal took part in a 3-day programme of discussion, debate,
lectures on research findings, visits to local educational and family support settings and sharing of practice and experiences
from the field.
The focus of this visit was Prevention and Intervention in the Early Years. This is a report on the highlights on the visit and
an overview of the follow up actions that were planned as a result of this visit.

The 2nd Learning Exchange Visit of the PINN project was facilitated by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational

Report of the 2nd Visit to Exchange Good Practices here

1st Learning Exchange Visit

TROMSØ, NORWAY, 23 - 25 MAY 2018

The first Learning Exchange Visit of the PINN Project was hosted by the Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare (RKBU) at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway. The 12 participants from Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands and Portugal experienced a 3-day programme of discussion, debate, research presentations, visits to local education and family support settings and sharing of practice experiences. The theme of the visit was Prevention and Early Intervention in the Early Years.

The Report of 1st Learning Exchange Visit available here

1st Learning Exchange Visit

28th-29th November 2017

Kick-off Transnational Partnership meeting in Dublin

The Prevention and early intervention in ECEC Exchange of  Practice project was launched today in Dublin. The   'kick-off meeting' took place in the Children's Hub located in the rejuvenated historic Smithfield area of the city.  Present at the meeting were  representatives from Prevention and Early Intervention Network, Ireland (the overall Project Coordinator); the University of Tromso, Norway; the University of Coimbra Portugal  and International Child Development Initiatives, the Netherlands. The purpose of the meeting was to plan a series of learning exchange visits  in the four countries in order to share best practice and training approaches in prevention and early intervention in the early years among disadvantaged populations. The exchange visits will take place in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and will entail a mixture of site visits and discussion and critical reflection with researchers, practitioners, policy makers and teacher educators.  The project being supported by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Programme.

Kick-off meeting Photo